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Mala Labradorite AA quality 108 beads + bag

Mala Labradorite AA quality 108 beads + bag

Regular price €36,49
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Labradorite is a stone with a beautiful play of colors that protects and strengthens the aura. It helps you let go of old thought patterns and no longer come into question for negative projections from others. It supports a stable energy field and prevents energy losses. Highly sensitive people benefit from wearing labradorite when in a busy environment. Labradorite also helps to be in touch with both the worldly and spiritual dimensions at the same time. For shamans and other healers, it is a protective stone that helps to "travel" safely between worlds. On a physical level, Labradorite supports the organs associated with the solar plexus (bile, liver, spleen, pancreas, intestines and kidneys) and relieves sleep disorders, rheumatism and gout attacks.

The information above is not scientifically proven, it is based on the experiences and results of users and therapists. If in doubt, you should always consult a doctor.

This pearl necklace is mainly used in reciting and chanting mantras. It actually has the same function as a rosary for Catholics. The beads, consisting of semi-precious stones, real pearls, bodhi seeds or wood, are suitable for many purposes: for example, for counting all kinds of mantras or other prayers, bowing, walking tours and the like. The string is the same for all types of malas and should consist of nine threads, symbolizing the Buddha Vajradhara and the eight bodhisattvas. The large bead at the end symbolizes wisdom realizing complete emptiness and the cylindrical bead above symbolizes emptiness itself. Together they symbolize that all obstacles have been overcome.

The 108 bead mala is used for reciting or chanting mantras. The number 108 is the ideal number for all purposes. It is important that our thoughts are pure while reciting or chanting a mantra. A mantra is the practical use of positive energies that help us grow and protect our spirit. A mantra is a collection of syllables from the Tibetan or Sanskrit alphabet. The effect is achieved by repeating the mantra; it gets stronger the longer you repeat it. The sound that is produced when reciting is of essential importance. The vibration of the sound produces and creates a unique spiritual impression in the mind of the person reciting. It is said that a mantra is like a human being: one has to go through various stages before the real effect - the purification of mental impressions - is achieved. There are different mantras, some of which already carry the highest healing potential. These mantras can only be transferred from the master or guru to the student. They are called 'Siddha Mantras'

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